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Winter Holidays: Teabar last day of the year: Dec 20
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– Made with bamboo smoked for over 100 years.
– Made in its entirety by a team of 3 protected artisans.
– Kubo’s signature branded on to the handle.
– Made free of sweat shop labour, pesticides, herbicides and anti-molding agents in Takayama, Nara, Japan.
For those on a journey for the pinnacle of chasen craftsmanship. Originally, when we started carrying this whisk, we did not care if anyone bought it. We just wanted it because it was so inspiringthat such a chasen existed, purely from an artistic perspective. However, we use it everyday here at JagaSilk and find the aesthetic beauty combined with a unique muskiness and unmatched strength mean no turning back.
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Millers, curators, blenders and brewers.