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How To Get A Nice Froth In Your Maccha

Froth in your maccha

Whenever we try to explain why we strive for a nice froth in our maccha, we like to compare unwhipped and whipped cream: oxygen and texture do magical things. Maccha is such a textural drink, and we often suggest to folks that they drink their maccha in “savoured gulps”, rather than sips, so as to […]

How to Take Care of Your Chasen (Bamboo Whisk)

When we first started JagaSilk, we used to carry $20 chasen (bamboo whisks) and didn’t think too much of it. Until we started to get higher volume clients. We started to see the whisks fall apart at a faster and faster rate. On top of that, we were made aware that our supplier was buying […]

What is the “Best” Way to Brew Your Tea?

   This question gets asked a lot and there really is no one true answer. Culture, context, preference, experience; all play a role in the direction that answer takes. JagaSilk is mostly a wholesaler and we often help new specialty coffee shops set up their tea programs. The needs of a cafe are generally focused on […]

Who Grows the Tencha for Our Maccha: Feature Farms

When sourcing tencha for our maccha (and any tea we bring in) we strongly believe in choosing to work with small farms that produce carefully and are good stewards of the land that they cultivate. We have built up great relationships with many farmers over the years, but we will be focusing on three families […]